It is my calling to facilitate inclusive and affirming spaces for fringe, spiritual communities. I believe that any God may call whom They will and that spirituality is for everyone regardless of race or ethnicity, religious background, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, age, economic status, body type, ability or disability. If you take issue with this, I am not the space for you.
What this means:
“It is my calling to facilitate...” I believe with absolute certainty that it is my Divine given purpose and objective in this life to build physical spaces, temporary or permanent, for ritual service of spiritual expression.
“...inclusive and affirming spaces...” These spaces are a safe space for all Beings, free from judgement, where they feel safe being their unique selves and are protected from undesired and prying questions, objections or opinions with regards to their personhood or self-expression.
“...for fringe, spiritual communities.” While I will honor, include and work with any inclusive spiritual community, my Divinely given task is specific to uncommon or rare spiritual paths and my emphasis is on those interested or already following these paths. This includes but is not limited to Rokkatru, where my primary devotion lays.
“I believe that any God may call whom They will...” I believe as fundamental core of my spiritual existence, that any spirit from any pantheon, religion, spiritual path or region of the world, can, has and will again reach out to individuals of any and every religion, spiritual path, race and ethnicity. Those individuals are free to answer that Entity if they so choose and no taboo shall be placed upon the honor, veneration or worship of any Entity within the sacred space I facilitate.
“...and that spirituality is for everyone regardless of race or ethnicity, religious background, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, age, economic status, body type, ability or disability.” None of the above-mentioned causes are to be used to justify why a person or persons may not honor, venerate or worship any Entity or be involved in any sacred space I am facilitating or be withheld from participating, in anyway open to others.
Religious background — The current or previous religious or spiritual beliefs and or practices held (Christian, Jewish, Asatru, Wiccan, Atheist, etc.)
Race or ethnicity — Genetic or cultural (example; Irish, German, Cuban, African-American, Venezuelan, Arab etc.)
Sexual orientation — shall include romantic and sexual attraction (homosexual, heterosexual, acesexual, pansexual, demisexual, panromantic, demiromantic etc.)
Gender expression or identity — All genders, in between and beyond the binary gender spectrum used in Western civilization today are free to be expressed in whichever way the individual(s) so chooses.
Age — All living Beings no matter how long or little they have been in this life (I do reserve the right to add age restrictions for legal protections or other reasons as I deem needed.)
Economic status — People of all and no incomes deserve the right to spiritual practices with dignity and respect. When an event, class or service has a charge, a sliding scale or barter system must be in place, by me, to extend that dignity to all.
Body type — all sizes, shapes, skin tones, colors, weights, physical conditions
Ability or disability — all abilities, physical or mental. I do acknowledge that not all venues are not currently up to par with these needs and will do my best to work with that limitations I have to ensure that all abilities are accommodated to the best of my ability with said venues.
“...If you take issue with this, I am not the space for you.” I hold by the above statement and agreeing to contract me for work is an agreement to abide by the above statement, in its entirety, unedited and I reserve the right to remove any individual or group from spaces I am facilitating if I feel they are threatening the safe and affirming space created for the above mentioned.